Journal #5- Lifetime Goals

As a college student, I have a long life ahead of me in which I hope to have many accomplishments. If I graduate with my current major Electrical Engineering Technologies, I hope to invent some innovative device that could one day bring my family and I wealth. I’m a simple guy though, the only goals I wish to complete in my lifetime are to have a family that loves me and to one day be able to send my children to college. Growing up I didn’t really know how to talk to girls, so I’ve dreamt of having a loving family and lying next to someone who loves me. Children are also one of my weaknesses, seeing how my parents struggled to put me through school; I would never want that for my children. I also do everything in my power to ensure my children are successful as possible.

In-Class Journal Entry #2 – Purdue OWL

I think that the most important and surprising aspect of the powerpoint to me was when it said that when revising your paper you should start from the bottom and work your way up the paper. This intrigued me because I literally would not have ever thought to do that. The logic behind that theory makes sense too, they said while reading from top to bottom you miss a lot of your own bloopers. However by reading it backwards its almost like reading a completely new paper, thus when reading a student is much more focused and attentive.

Journal #4 – B+ Essay without Comments

If my instructor were to return my essay without any comments, my intial reaction would be confusion. The grade I recieved was a B+ so obviouly I did something wrong. I would be confused because if I got points taken off of my paper, my instructor’s job is to help me improve my papers, and if she doesn’t leave comments I would feel as if they’re just going for my confidence. So, to resolve this confusion I would first email my teacher to check if he or she had some extra time to go over it with me. Another thing I could do is take my essay to study hall to see if that instructor had anything to say about it. Usually the study hall instructor has a different perspective that the professor, so the combination of the two would bring a interesting outlook on the B+ paper.

Journal #3 – WPST Set Up

Chandler Dalton

Mrs. Isenkul

UNIV 150

Sept. 10, 2014


In-Class Journal #3


I feel that a good WSPT essay should be set up with an introduction, two to four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your thesis should be in your introduction paragraph, this states the main ideas in your essay. It should only introduce them, not explain, that’s what the body paragraphs are for. The next few paragraphs should be based on the topics you put in your introduction paragraph and thesis statement. . These paragraphs should be as detailed as possible, but without going over the word limit, and still getting your point across. The body paragraphs are where the reader gets your tone from, so be sure to put your opinion no matter how graphic. This is also where a lot of grammatical errors happen, keep an eye out for slang words, they are easy to miss. And the last paragraph should be a conclusion, this is where you wrap up all of your ideas and restate your thesis. When you restate the thesis it shouldn’t be copied word for word but restate it with different words.

Journal #1- Transitions into College

In-Class Journal Entry #1         8/27/14



The way I plan to ‘take charge’ of my transition into college is by being ‘proactive’. I feel that I am going to have to act this way because I will be the only person at my new school that is actually looking out for me. I am the only one willing myself to do better. While back at home my parents and teachers were steadily coaching me to what they thought was acceptable. But now it’s souly up to me, now I choose what and how I want to be, and be portrayed. Now I choose what type of grades I want (even though it may come back to haunt me), going off to college is a huge step in a young students life and that is why I want to make the best of it, so I shall.

Essay #3 – Response Essay

Chandler Dalton

Mrs. Isenkul

UNIV 150

October 25, 2014


On Oct. 20 2014, the New York Times published an article written by David Brooks, he talks about fear due mainly to the Ebola virus. David mainly talks on why he feels that some people have over reacted to this virus. A few points he spoke on were Globalization, the culture of instant news, and about how he feels that we live in a segmented society. Fear is an acceptable trait when it comes to taking extra precautions to stay alive.

My first reaction to the article was that it held my attention well, even though I am not a phycology major the way the mind works really interests me. It was clear that the author was enlightened to the real facts/statistics about Ebola. How the author connected the overreaction to fear especially caught my attention. He talked about the theory of globalization, which is the integration of the world. This theory applies to said article because people will be fearful of some far off disease (southern Africa) that seems to be able to spread uncontrollably and get into the intimate spheres of life back home. This is what leads people to overreact to Ebola causing people to so such things as take their children out of school or go to an airport in a homemade HAZMAT suit. This statement especially moved me because it shows that some people, including myself, think they live in a sort of utopia where we are too far from diseases to be affected.

My next reaction was that I realized the fear is a bigger part of our thinking process than I originally thought. Because Americans tend to distance our self for death by simply not thinking about it, as the author says “the prospect of sudden savage death, even if extremely unlikely, can arouse a mental fog or fear” causing us to take unnecessary precautions. He also talks about how in cultures where death is more abundant that people tend to have a clearer view and balance the risks better than a culture where death is less prevalent. And the way this virus is portrayed in the new can add to that paranoia, by only showing the death is destruction rather than a broader perspective, tends to make people a lot more scared than they should be.

In conclusion, I can understand why so many people have been overreacting to the Ebola virus. Due to news coverage, globalization, and our cultures tendencies to distance itself from death. I challenge my reader to do more research on the possibilities of becoming infected with Ebola, and after compare you thoughts on the virus and its dangerousness.



Works Citied:

Brooks, David. “The Quality of Fear.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.


Cassoobhoy, Arefa. “Ebola Virus: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention.” WebMD. WebMD, 5 Aug. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.


Library, CNN. “Ebola Fast Facts.” CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.

Essay #2 – Note-Taking Strategies

Chandler Dalton

Mrs. Isenkul

UNIV 150

18 September 2014


Note-Taking Strategies

Note taking is a very important skill to have while trying to learn a new subject. Some variables that may affect ones style of note taking are the subject or course being taken, the way a professor lectures, and the amount of experience a student may have with note taking strategies. All of these variables are critical to how notes are taken, and ultimately determine a grade.

Experience is a huge factor in the way you take notes. When you first start college as a freshman, I bet that you would try and copy exactly what the professor says verbatim. Doing this you will produce random, useless scrawl, and when you try and study them, you won’t be able to recall what the professor said. As a sophomore, you will learn how to calmly produce detailed outlines. With outlines it is much easier to recall what the professor said, rather than random, ungrouped facts. As you gain experience throughout the years, note taking will become easier because you will have more practice. I imagine as a senior, minimal notes would have to be taken in order to understand material.

Another variable that could affect the way one would take notes is the subject of the course such as math, English, history, etcetera. The design of the course can greatly influence the structure of your notes. For example, the notes for math and history shouldn’t look the same, and if they do, you’re doing something wrong. If you’re in a class based heavily on information in lectures you should take extensive notes and review them to make sure they’re complete. If they aren’t complete shortly after the lecture you should fill in the details and perspectives shortly after. In courses that are based on opinion of issues, you should spend most of your time listening and thinking about the discussion, paraphrasing and noting questions to ask

There are many different types of professors out there; some just deliver masses of information at a rapid pace, without pauses or visual aids. Others (the good ones) will deliver organized lectures at a fair pace and maybe even use the whiteboard to outline, emphasize, or illustrate important material. If you have an amazing professor she might even put an outline of the lecture on the Web before so you can look over the material in the textbook, so you have an overall understanding of the lecture while the professor just fills in the details. Professors who teach lecture classes actually expect you to have some background knowledge of the subject research shows that background knowledge greatly increases our ability to make sense of and remember information.

In conclusion, the type of notes you take isn’t completely up to you it depends on many variables such as your professor, the structure/design of the class, and the amount of experience you have in note taking at this particular level.



Essay #1 – Rough Draft

Below is my Rough Draft of our 1st Essay – Transitions into College

-I’m aware there are multiple grammar mistakes, I chose not to correct said mistakes so I could compare my progress.

Honestly haven’t put that much thought into the changes I will have to make as I transition into college at Old Dominion University. But while brainstorming I came up with a few topics, which include my living quarters, and how I will mamage my finances and time management. However I know I am ready to face this challenge head on.

The first major change I will experience  is how I am kiving and who I am living with. The amount of privacy I will have compared to the amount I had living back home will be sureal. Sharing a one-room living-quarters with two other people will force me to lock away my valueable belongings and keep one eye open at night. I will be going from being able to leave whatever out but within a few days I will be forced to lock everything. Im not saying that my roommates will be criminals, Im just saying you can never know who would take your new watch, or shoes, or even your favorite pen. And its not that you only have to live with the people you just met, you also have to almost be friends with them in  order to make compromise, like how the room is arranged, who showers when, and multiple other things. Im not saying that there are only bad changes when moving into a dorm, all I’m saying is there will definetly be some adjusting.

The next major transitional challenge I should prepare to “tighten the leash” on is the control of my finances. If I’m a full time college student I will not have time for a job which means I will have to rely souley on saved money and Flex Points. Being a growing/maturing young man, eating is a nessesity, so eating in moderation and responsibly is crucial. Or else by Thanksgiving I won’t have any money left for partying, and let’s be real for a second, if you didn’t go to parties while in college you didn’t have the real “college-experience.” If you show up to a party without any supplies they’ll turn you away. Another expense while away from home is just buying things you see in the window, i.e. window shopping can also burn  a whole in your pocket. It takes discipline, but I’m sure within a tight budget anything is possible.

Being able to juggle my classes, social life, and sleep schedule will also be a challenge. Time management is like a triangle, you can have only two of the three listed above. If you stay up too late studying and partying you won’t have enough time to sleep, or vise versa. Time management is one of the most touchy subjects because it determines the type of person you will be known as.

Evaluated Midterm WPST



  1. Texting is generally the medium of choice for today’s students as they attempt to maintain contact with each other throughout the day. Unfortunately, some users do not demonstrate restraint when choosing to text and do so when driving.  Should texting and driving be made illegal in much the same manner as drinking and driving?


I do not think that texting while driving should be viewed the same as      drinking while driving under the law. Although texting is dangerous and there should be a punishment, I do not that it should be the same as drinking and driving. Several reasons why texting shouldn’t have those severe of consequence is one has more control while texting than drunk, important   messages sometimes call for a quick response, and the punishment should be no more than a speeding ticket.

My first reason is that people have more control over their body while        texting while driving. Drinking and texting are two completely different things impaired, and not focused, after all my body isn’t limp to the point I would want to pass out or fall asleep behind the wheel. While drunk and one pulls up to a stop sign they may not even stop, but to someone attempting to send a message, this is the perfect opportunity. Stop signs and stoplights give drivers a 4-5  second window where they can send a message safely. Which according to the National highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is exactly how long driver take their eyes off the road to send a message.

Another important factor that has an impact in this argument is the importance of the text message/email. Texting is one of the chief means of communication today, so if a parent or close friend sends me a message and I don’t reply or at least read the message they may get worried.  Especially in family matters such as a death in the family, one is expected to reply quickly. Also, many of the messages I get may apply to work or school, which means I don’t have to type anything, only read.

Last but not certainty not least is my argument for the punishment while texting and driving. We can all agree that texting and driving is dangerous and no one should do it under any circumstance. In my experiences texting while driving, it brought me to a higher state of alertness. Knowing that part of my attention was somewhere else made me extra cautious, looking up after every word or maybe typing without looking then at the end of my   message correct all the mistakes. But because of this heightened awareness I feel that a ticket for texting should be equivalent to a parking ticket or a speeding ticket. Texting is not as dangerous as drinking but certainty an infraction that should be dealt with. NHTSA says that texting while driving is equivalent to drinking 4 beers I’m not sure about you  but after four beers I can walk fine.


In conclusion, I feel that texting while driving isn’t as dangerous as drinking and driving _____ thus shouldn’t be considered the same under the law.                  Supporting statements I have are you have more control over the wheel while          texting, and texting brings another level of alertness while behind the wheel.

Essay #1 – Transitions into College


Transitions into College

Honestly, I haven’t put that much thought into the changes that I would have to make as I transition into college at ODU. In my first week here, a few topics surfaced, topics that include my living quarters and how I will manage my finances, and time management. However, I know I am ready to face this challenge head-on.

The first major change I have come across is how I am living and whom I am living with for the next five months. The amount of privacy I have compared to when I was living back home, in Richmond, is surreal. Sharing a one-room living-quarter with two other teenagers has forced me to lock away my valuable belongings and keep one eye open at night. I will be going from being able to leave whatever valuables I have out at night, but within a few days to being forced to lock everything away in my heavy-duty trunk. I’m not saying that my roommates are criminals; I’m just saying I never know who would take my new watch, or shoes, or even “borrow” my favorite pen. It’s not just that I have to live with people I just met, but I will also have to almost be friends with them, so we can compromise on things like how the room is arranged, who showers when, and who’s buying groceries. I’m not saying that there are only bad changes when moving into a dorm. All I’m saying is there will definitely be some adjusting.

The next major transitional challenge I realized I should prepare to ‘tighten the leash’ on is control of my finances. If I’m a full-time college student, I will not have time for a job, which means I will have to rely solely on saved money and Flex points. Being a growing/maturing young man, eating is a necessity, so eating in moderation and responsibly is crucial, or else by Thanksgiving I won’t have enough money for partying. If students don’t go to parties while in college, they didn’t have the real “college experience”. The acronym B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own alcoholic Bottle) describes any party well especially at ODU. If I showed up to a party without any supplies, the current partiers won’t hesitate to tell me to leave. Another expense while away from home is just buying things in the store windows, which can burn a nice hole in my pocket. It takes discipline, but with a tight budget anything is possible.

Being able to juggle my classes, social life, and sleep schedule will also be a challenge. Time management is like a triangle; I can only have two of the three listed above. For example, if I stayed up too late studying or partying, I won’t have enough time for sleep or vice versa. Time management is one of the touchiest subjects because it determines the type of person I will be known as.

In Conclusion, as I move into Old Dominion, the most important changes will have to be made to my living-quarters, finances, and time-management. They will not be easy to combat, but I’m with practice I’m sure I will have them under control within the next couple of weeks.

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