Essay 4- Spring Registration

Spring 2014 Class Registration

I will be registering for next semester classes within a few weeks. Although registering for spring classes can be confusing and difficult if a student knows what steps to take, it can make the process flow much smoother. Asking questions like “Am I prepared? “ could help. Even comparing fall ’14 to spring ’15, and choosing the courses ahead of time.

The first and main question I would ask myself is “Am I prepared for this upcoming semester?’ My grades last semester will have a big influence on the answer to this question. If I understood the material taught last year and I feel I can transition into a higher-level class, that’s what I’ll do. On the other hand, if I didn’t understand what my professor taught, there are a number of alternatives. The most popular of those alternatives is simply the changing of majors. If a student is to take this route, he/she should be sure to research the jobs that major comes with. After we graduate that’s all that matters, if this major makes as much money as the last.

The next helpful step is to compare fall 14’ semester to spring ’15 semester. Since this upcoming semester isn’t the first, realizing that a student not new to Old Dominion anymore is critical to time management. The excuses used to maybe procrastinate assignments in younger years must be obliterated. Maturity is key to being able to handle more difficult assignments that come with the higher level or next step classes.

Finally, probably the most critical step in the Registration process is to choose the courses for the upcoming semester. My university has made this step a lot easier with the help of an advisor. An advisor is someone a student can go to with academic problems, and he/she makes sure students meet prerequisites and introduce them to Degree works. Choosing classes can be a tricky process; college isn’t the same as high school in which a student go from one class straight to the other. Students normally have time between classes to get food, study, or even relax. Thus, the time slots chosen should have an effect on a person’s decision. When choosing a class, students must take into account the style the professor has while teaching. If the teacher is the type to talk a lot with minimal notes and a student knows they don’t work well in that environment, that’s not a teacher they should get. With the help of a helpful site, such as, a prospective student can see past reviews of professors and their “style” of teaching.

In conclusion, registering for classes isn’t very difficult if the steps above are applied, such as asking the question “Am I Prepared for this upcoming semester?” taking into consideration the courses, and comparing past semesters. The University provides these tools, so use them.

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